Here’s Some Other Information You Might Need, Complete with Fancy Policy Lingo
Ownership Info
“I Love Origami” is a United States registered trademark owned by Amy Anderson Crafts, LLC. You can reach me by email at amy(at) or hello(at)
We also have a privacy policy and publishing principles.
Copyright and Photo Usage Policy
All content, including photographs and videos, created by I Love Origami is subject to copyright restrictions. Sometimes we work with third parties to provide photography or video content. If you’d like to share any of the recipes, photos, videos, or articles from the Website please do so through the share features enabled on the post.
If you feature a project or recipe on your website, you have permission to use ONE photo per post and must link back to the original post. I do not allow alteration of my photos including usage of your watermark or text without my permission. If you want to use more than one photo or have special needs, please send me an email amy(at)
User Assumes Liability
If you browse through my site and try an idea, you assume the risk, and I disclaim liability. So don’t do anything silly and hurt yourself! I also can’t guarantee results. If I could, I would be a magician, and then I would make a million dollars appear in front of me and go on a permanent vacation. What I’m trying to say is that it’s all up to you to make a successful project happen. Good luck.
Amazon Affiliate Notice
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Diversity Policy
I Love Origami is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable online environment where all writers, readers, and contributors feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.
Our intention for every post and tutorial is that it is available to anyone and everyone. We respect the diverse life experiences of our readers and strive to listen to their views and give them value. If you have comments, please leave them on the post.